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Current layout: Moments of Magic / !MD♥

♔Nurul, Eighteen.
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So this is me Nurrul Baieyzura, standing in front of you saying I'm sorry for that night. Sorry for the kissed I'd gave it to you. I do love you, Muhammad Syafiq Danial. And now I'd realize that you're Mine. I am begging you right now not to leave me. I do love you all the time. So this is me who always loving you,

♔Lets have a nice talk.
♔Brother and sister.
loved loved loved loved loved

This layout was coded by !mesmeriz.ed♥/mindy, with scrolling codes from noturcupoftea, images from thefadingnight/reviviscent and background from fivepointsapart.
♔Parallel Worlds
Thursday, January 21, 2010 ♔ 3:18 AM
victorian and shit (:
huh , victorian ? yes , im a victorian (: huu , act victoria tuh name rumaa sukan laa ! haih . naa , today is the second meeting and and kene lari lagii tahuuu ?! ceh ! penat laa cikgu . ta tahuu kea ?! erm , da laa hujan . saya demam , saya saman cikgu . paham kea ? HAHA . ta mao kenaa mara , akuh pown larii laa . mulaa tuh semangad berkobar . then ta sampai bape minit da kedek kedek ayam akuh neyy . haih , buang mase jea laa larii2 neyy . baek akuh tido kat umaa . erm , decide na jumpe bie ary ney but ta bulee laa . grrr , saked jea hati akuh . da laa miss kao sangad ! tape laa . nt bile2 bule jumpe kan bie ? kan ? erm , afta larii kene lomapt jauh . hee , bab lompat2 neyy akuh suke la jugaa . ceh ! lompat punye lompat akhirny waaa ! SAYA BERJAYA laa . berjaya melepasi garisan kedua and gah , saya wakil rumaa sukan fer that stupid gamee . haha :P but akuh sukee laa meeting ary neyy sbb balik pown awal jea sbb ujan kan . huu , sukee ny ! balik wiv babah . dea amik then balik tuh anta anies . afta tuh kan , eww . babah bwak akuh and mama wiv adek gy makan kt kedai mamak ! naa , mmg akuh ta sukee laa . haih babah neyy ! kan da tahu akk ta suke mkn kat kedai mamak . bak kate mama , akuh neyy cerewet and act bukann laa . just ta suke tempat2 mcm tuhh . akuh mmg dari dulu ta suke mkn kat kedai mamak . grr . kat situ , lapa jea akuh . tengok dorang makan . sedap kowt ! eee . akibat kelaparan , babah suro order jugaa . but akuh neyy degil ! eee , ta mao akuh order . eiskk , just order air jea . tuh pown air buah kelapa . tape laa . sampai ruma bulee makan . tapii , mama cakap kat umaa tade makanan . sedey akuh , menahan lapa lagii laa jawab ny ! haih . sokay laa mama , babah . da tahuu akuh ta suke makan kat situ , y still mao pegi eak ? eiskk laa kowang neyy . erm , then balik tuh naseb laa mama neyy rajen . dea buat kan akuh karipap . sedap ! tenkies mama :D sayang you laa . makan karipap tuh jeaa semantara na tgu dea masak mlm nt . naa , kurang sikit lapaa tuh . haih . nurul nurul . byk songeh betol kao ney ! grrr =

p/s : jangan cakap ap2 sebab akuh MEMANG ta suke mkn kat kedai mamak . harap maklum . HAHA . so , plish jangan kate akuh budaa gedik yang haye tahuu na makan kat tempat ad klaz jea . okee ?! babi .
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